Consulting Services


We offer free information, advice and tips across an enormous range of projects, including plumbing, electrical, masonry, carpentry and planning.

Get Inspected


Building Inspector is a professional engineering firm specializing in consulting services for structural and building design.

Building Inspector is comprised of experts holding a wide range of technical expertises, including fire investigators, civil engineering & building experts, metallurgists, building consultants, and chemists. By assembling the right team of experts and applying a structured, scientific approach, we can quickly and cost-effectively addresses your concerns in a way that withstands scrutiny, whether from other experts, adverse parties or a court.

We specialize in the following areas of practice:

  • Evaluation of building conditions.
  • Design and planning of repair programs.
  • Complete project management.
  • Special inspection of repairs.
  • Feasibility studies.
  • Structural systems evaluation.

Disaster Analysis:

Building Inspector also conducts disaster analysis, accidents and product failures. Our many years of experience, coupled with our structured investigation approach, finds answers to the questions that matter most:

  • What was the cause of the incident?
  • Who, if anyone, is responsible?
  • What can be done to prevent a re-occurrence?


Building Inspector supports DIY property owners! We offer free information, advice and tips across an enormous range of projects, including plumbing, electrical, masonry, carpentry, planning and much more.