Buyer Inspection

Buyer Inspection

A Buyers Inspection will reduce the risk of unexpected and costly surprises, and help you feel completely comfortable with your home purchase decision. As a result of our findings, many of our clients have saved thousands by renegotiating the asking price, while others have avoided purchasing a "money pit".

Get Inspected

Buyer Inspection

Hiring an unbiased, third-party inspector ensures that the building inspection does what it’s meant to do – protect you.

A Buyers Inspection will reduce the risk of unexpected and costly surprises and help you feel completely comfortable with your home purchase. As a result of our findings, many of our clients have saved thousands by renegotiating the asking price, while others have avoided purchasing a "money pit".

Why get a Buyer Inspection?

  • Alerts you of any deficiencies or safety issues with your new home.
  • Ranks and prioritizes any deficiencies.
  • Provide tips and recommendations for correcting deficiencies.
  • Assist in acquiring financing and insurance.

Inspections include:

The Standard Inspection includes a thorough visual investigation of the building's readily accessible features, major systems and their components, such as: structure, foundation, roof, interior, exterior, heating and ventilation system, electrical, plumbing and more.

  • Detailed report which can be referenced in listings and on feature sheets.
  • Additional articles relevant to information contained in the report (i.e. removing mold, reducing heat loss).
  • A recall check on appliances and HVAC systems.

* After the inspection, we produce a computer generated report for the complete business inspection. The report includes a detailed analysis of the building, digital photographs for visual display of significant problem areas and general maintenance tips.